THINC College & Career Academy is guided by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who is directly accountable to the Board of Directors. The CEO’s primary focus is the continuous improvement of the partnership that created the academy and of the programs included as part of the curriculum.
Gerald Wyatt is a business leader who strives for excellence in all that he does. Over his career, Mr. Wyatt has served in Manufacturing (Exxon-Mobil, Mando America), Financial Services (Synovus) and Non-profit capacities (Habitat for Humanity, Body of Christ Worship Center). In each of these roles, Mr. Wyatt demonstrated exemplary leadership and organizational development. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Wyatt served on the Board of THINC and filled the role of Finance Chair.
Mr. Wyatt has a passion for Youth Enhancement, Economic Development and Strategic Thinking. As CEO, his three main focuses are Brand Awareness, Model Duplication and Expanded Partnerships. With the combination of these ideas, Mr. Wyatt is charged with positioning THINC for sustained growth and expansion. Mr. Wyatt is extremely excited to collaborate with others in order to take THINC to its fullest potential.
Veleka Battle is the Assistant Principal/Registrar for THINC College & Career Academy; she was previously Assistant Principal/CTAE Supervisor and is returning this year in a new role.
As a seasoned professional with more than 15 years of education experience, Ms. Battle is known to invest in her professional growth through continuous professional development. Her core values and beliefs are to create a culture of academic excellence, community, and growth. She continuously works to build relationships and a high-quality learning atmosphere conducive to building capacity, shared leadership, and academic excellence. She most recently served as Assistant Principal at Callaway Middle School where she led as school test coordinator and transportation supervisor, provided continuous staff development, and sustained a positive and equitable school culture. Before that, Ms. Battle was promoted from her science position into her initial administrative role of Assistant Principal in 2017 at LaGrange High School where she supported staff in building teacher collegiality, school supervision, and safety/emergency preparedness.
Ms. Battle holds an Ed.S from Columbus State University, specializing in Educational Leadership, and both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from LaGrange College. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Curriculum and Leadership.
In addition to her involvement within our school system, Ms. Battle volunteers in her church and the local community. She dedicates the majority of her free time to her beautiful daughter Shaela, family, and travel.
Bill Batten
Dear Community Members,
In the beginning, there were 108 community members who participated in the process to develop a new kind of school, centered around community needs and driven by business and industry. A plan was developed, and THINC Academy became a reality, with Kia Motors leading the way.
We opened our doors to students in 2015, and now, we are ready to take it to the next level. Beginning in January 2016, over 50 community members came back together to develop a 3-year strategic plan to guide our work as we move forward to achieve our goals.
Many thanks to all who gave their time, support and ideas to bring this plan to life. Their work is truly appreciated. Please review the plan and know your continued support will be needed. We have big goals, and we expect to be a model of educational transformation and workforce development for Troup County.
We look forward to making a difference in the lives of our students and our community. Please join us in this extraordinary effort and know your support is appreciated.
Gerald Wyatt, CEO