THINC College & Career Academy shapes students to be “work savvy” when entering the workforce or college. These students are highly desirable to businesses and colleges not only because they’re equipped with technical and career-specific skills, but because they understand the soft skills of business – a firm handshake, a strong work ethic and critical thinking skills.
From day one, THINC students are engaged in relevant learning that is connected to their career and college pathways. Well-trained teachers prepare curriculum that meets college entry and career-readiness requirements, while infusing instruction with soft skills development.
Our rigorous curriculum is project-based, globally focused, and thanks to the strong relationships with our business partners, reflects industry standards. An integrated approach to instruction, THINC offers ample time outside of the classroom for exposure to college and career pathways. Community speakers, field trips, job shadowing, mentorships, postsecondary visits, student internships and community service opportunities are offered at THINC.
To further prepare students for success, students have access to high-quality communities that help them shape their college and career plans.
Specific examples of how such a waiver will benefit THINC students include:
Through flexible scheduling, students are able to complete coursework in less than the normally required time.
Waivers of class size requirements allow THINC to offer more opportunities for students to pursue academic and career choices.
Allows THINC to employ individuals with relevant and current industry expertise. These instructors may be qualified through industry certifications rather than through traditional education certifications.
Allows programs of study specifically tailored to meet the needs of employers in Troup County.
Offers flexibility in the choices of resources appropriate and relevant to the integration of academic and technical instruction in the classroom.
Student grades are based on demonstrating specific soft skills as well as mastery of academic content.